December 10, 2017

2 to 5 pounds to lose weight Do you want to lose 2 to 5 kilos? Follow these 10 ways and you are succeeding.

1) Purchase a note booklet
Write everything that comes with drinking one day. Make sure you have your notebook right after your last bite, then you can write it right away. N n n n Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce The recording of what you eat ensures that you are aware of your eating behavior. You can also check whether there are perhaps those that are possible through a healthier alternative. There is no way to drop you.

2) Keep your head!
Before you start eating, ask yourself first: why am I going to eat or drink now? If the answer is "Because I'm hungry" then that's the small answer. It may also be that you are bored of, sadly bent. Then look for a different interpretation to combat that feeling. Even make a detour, read a magazine do something other than food. Do not eat like a robot without knowing why. Once you have mastered this and you are your pattern now.

3) Eat more often for fat loss
Provide 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks per day. Do not miss any of the meals of snacks. In this way you prevent hunger, you keep enough energy and you have less of a tendency to eat bad snacks. Every main meal should contain fiber, vegetables, proteins and a small amount of unsaturated fats. If you eat your sandwich, you will not lose weight. Fat burning will then stay on the back burner.

4) Do not completely ban your favorite snack from your life
Your intention to never go for your favorite snack is probably the dumbest thing you can do. What that means is that you then end up in one big bite of what you would no longer eat. Try to train yourself more in moderate snacking. Buy a roll of those chocolate cookies that you like so much and speak to yourself that you can have 1 cookie every day. Sit back and enjoy every bite. If you get the end of the week without your promise, give yourself a present, for example a nice bar of soap. If you can watch a meal a lot then you are fast on your way to a slim body without the yo-yo effect. You can not continue to avoid snacks and sweets, especially if you have children. You can learn to deal with it better. Occasionally a small treat will make you feel satisfied and certainly not get in the way of your weight loss plans.

5) Adjust your pattern
Start with your refrigerator and storage cupboard. Clean them up, everything that is not healthy must go. Do not want to throw anything away give it away to friends of the Salvation Army. Create your own new shopping list with responsible choices. The best way to put together a good shopping list is by means of a calories booklet. To get you started, we have shown you some examples of healthy foods that are understandable choices that you can add to your word list. It goes without saying that you have to eat.

- Skimmed milk, buttermilk, light dairy, low-fat chocolate milk and semi-skimmed milk.
- Light soft drinks, Amstel light, white dry wine, red bottle of wine.
- Multigrain bread, whole grain Cracottes, Melba toast whole grain, Multigrain pancakes.
- 30+ cheese, shoulder ham, Slankie cheese, Halvajam, Becel light, eggs.
- Salmon, shrimp, tuna, water-based tuna, beef tartar and chicken breast.
- Skimmed fruit yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.
- Gingerbread, league
- Salt sticks, rice waffles with flavor, peanut peanuts, Japanese mix and microwave popcorn.

6) Misbehavior? Just pick up the wire again!
With every misstep, the tendency to give is great. We often think that it is useless because it went wrong. You are also malicious or feel so guilty that you throw it aside. That is a big mistake! Do not give me a go, forgive yourself and pick up the thread again! It is not everything or nothing. Nobody is perfect, so just continue where you left off.

7) Set a realistic goal
If a realistic goal strives, the chances of success are much greater. Moreover, you remain motivated and you can give up prematurely. A realistic goal is like 5 - 15% of your current weight. Example: If you weigh 70 kg and want to weigh 60 kg, then it is your 10% of your current weight.

In this case, this means that you will lose 7 kilos. If that factory is successful, you weigh 63 kg. But you want to weigh 60 kilos, so time for your second goal. If you want to lose weight even further, just set a target of 5% of 63 kg. That means that you will lose another 3 kilos. In this way ready for step your chicken goal.

9) Move more
Slimming goes a lot faster if you also exercise more. Sports will really speed up the weight loss. Make sure there is regularity, you get the most return. Preferably exercise in the morning, you also have extra benefits, because your body will burn fat all day long, that is great of course. Moreover, you get a tighter body through sport. You build up more muscle, this increases your fat burning. Muscles burn fat all day long, also long after exercise.

Choose a sport that suits you well, something you enjoy. There is so much variation that there is probably something for you. Aerobics, cycling, swimming, walking, tennis, fitness, etc.

10) You can learn new habits
Start exercising slowly, 3 times a week 20 minutes is more than enough. Everyone can do that. Talk to yourself that you will sustain this continuously for 6 weeks. If you still do not like it after those six weeks, you can still stop it. However, research shows that people do not want to give up after 6 weeks. Because the habit has already settled. Moreover, you have already been able to feel and see the benefits. You will undoubtedly feel better than 6 weeks ago. You can also see it in the mirror that the sport has done your figure well.

After 6 weeks you can determine whether you want to exercise longer than 20 minutes. Then you can, for example, make a block of 6 weeks moving for 30 minutes. Make sure you always sport on fixed days. Do not deviate from these days, otherwise the nesting of the new habit will not work optimally.

10 tips with which you will succeed

With the help of your personal Body Mass Index (BMI) you can calculate whether you are too thin or underweight. That is certainly the case if your personal BMI is lower than 18.5. You can easily calculate your BMI yourself:

Body weight in kg: (body height in meters X length in meters)
Example: weight 66 kilos, length 1.80 m = 60: (1.80 x 1.80) = 20.37 so BMI = 20.4

The causes for underweight can roughly be divided into 3 groups: malnutrition, physical disorders or mental disorders. Underweight can eventually have harmful effects on your health. It is therefore important to find out the possible cause of your underweight. You can make an appointment with the doctor. In addition, you can take action yourself to tackle your underweight and get your body to a higher weight. First of all you will have to eat more than what you burn. Strength training can also contribute to weight gain. Do this only under expert guidance. There are special nutritional supplements available that you can use in addition to your healthy diet to gain weight.

Our tips:

1. Make a list of high-calorie products
To gain weight, you will have to eat more than you normally do. On average, you will have to eat about 500 calories daily. A list of high-calorie products gives you a handle to choose something different every day. This keeps your food varied and does not bother you so quickly. You can put donuts, pancakes with butter and syrup, chocolate, ice cream with whipped cream on your list, but rather look for healthy alternatives. Instead of donuts you can, for example, choose muffins with nuts and dried fruit. You can cook tasty and healthy pancakes with oatmeal yourself. Butter can and 100% natural apple syrup is an excellent choice or make them nice and sweet with Nutella.

2. Eat more products with a lot of calories
To get more calories unnoticed, choose healthy products that contain a lot of calories. An avocado contains an average of 358 calories (source: Nutrition Center). An average mango delivers 300 calories. Dried fruits, such as dates, figs, raisins and apricots, provide a lot of energy and can be eaten, but you also enrich your full yoghurt or porridge.

3. Eat 6 times a day
Eat at least 6 times a day. Divide 3 large meals throughout the day and plan at least 3 times a day for a snack. Keep to fixed times, so that your body will get used to it and your body will gradually adjust to it. Cover your sandwiches generously with butter and 2 layers of toppings. Cheese can be combined with many types of meat. For sweet fillings, choose (homemade) jams of fresh fruits. Your hot meal may contain a lot of vegetables. For example, choose a main meal with wholegrain pasta with minced meat, vegetables and cheese.

4. Eat high-calorie snacks
Examples of high-calorie snacks: (homemade) muffins with oatmeal, nuts and dried fruit, healthy nutty bars, muesli bars, richly filled smoothies, dried fruit such as banana chips, nut mix, natural peanut butter, Energy Cake.

5. Full milk
Drink whole milk in between and with your food, use whole milk in your smoothies or (protein) shakes.

6. Calorie-rich shakes or smoothies
You can make delicious, calorie-rich smoothies with ingredients such as oatmeal, whole milk or almond milk (contains even more calories). Fill your smoothie with dried dates, figs or apricots. Banana and mango give it a fruity taste.

7. Weight gainers
Weight gainers are dietary supplements that you can use to gain weight. A weight gainer averages between 350 and 600 calories (depending on the brand and dosage). Colossus 2500 is a great product to arrive. It delivers 460 calories per dose. The Weight Gainer from is also a good product. It delivers 309 calories per dose. If you prepare these shakes with whole milk, 300 calories are added.

8. Eat fast snacks in between
Fast snacks are snacks that you can grab from stock without doing anything else. For example nuts, gingerbread, eggbread, bars. Make sure you have enough of them in stock.

9. Rich sandwiches
Cover your sandwich with a large spoonful of (homemade) hummus with wedges of avocado. This way you get a good number of calories unnoticed. Peanut butter contains about 100 calories per 15 grams (for 1 sandwich). So invest your bread with it excessively. Make a sandwich of 2 slices of bread, generously topped with ham and cheese.

10. Combine different foods per meal
With all the examples mentioned here, you can make different variations per meal. You can combine the dried fruit with the oatmeal porridge with your breakfast, sprinkle it generously in your salad between noon or mix it with the full curd cheese with your dessert (delicious with honey). Nuts can also be in your breakfast bowl, but also taste good by salads and by the soup. You can stack sandwiches with various calorific spreads. With a skewer through it, you have a luxury sandwich for in between.

December 8, 2017

Defamation after delivery

Defamation: the time that your body and your psyche need to recover from pregnancy and birth. Nine months on and nine months off is almost a saying, but it is an average. Good nutrition, exercise and rust are essential to get rid of surplus pregnancy silos and to feel fit again quickly. Give yourself time and do not expect that you will be back in shape in a few weeks.

Unwelling: ailments
After your childbirth become your 'old self', (unfortunately) it did not happen overnight. You suffer from headaches, fatigue, dizziness, hair loss, back pain, no desire to make love and your condition does not seem to come up to standard. Also getting used to motherhood, forgetfulness ... Everything can last until about 9 months after your birth. Perhaps the most typical of this period is the thought that it no longer gets better. Rest assured, it will come naturally, but you have to give yourself the time.

Give yourself the help you need. During the day, go to bed with your baby at the same time. Do not ask for yourself, ask others for help if you do not have it and go in the stroller of baby carrier.

Your cycle
After your delivery, it will take even before your period starts again. This is due to the presence of hormones and lactation. If you are breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin suppresses the build-up of the uterine lining and the ovulation. Your first menstruation can occur 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. It can also take months. If it takes too long, ask your doctor for a short hormone treatment to start your cycle.

Usually the menstruation on your pregnancy continues the same as. However, it can be as if it is different in the beginning. You might also have a more regular cycle than before your pregnancy. You do not have to worry about this, but if you keep flowing, go to your doctor. Incidentally, a vaginal delivery of a caesarean section does not affect your cycle.

Ontwangeren: again on weight
For many women, a pregnancy is 'green light' for good food and little exercise: the surplus kilos fly by. Once you have given birth, you also want to lose those pounds. On average you come between ten and fifteen kilos. A baby weighs such three and a half pounds when he is bored; the amniotic fluid, the placenta and the membranes weigh around one and a half kilos.

There is still something left for you. You are about one kilogram of extra blood, you have been heavy and heavy. In addition, you have retained extra fluid, and an increase in your body fat. You will notice that for the most part the pregnancy silos go naturally. When giving birth you automatically lose about five kilos and a part of the moisture and fat will be in the location. The rest will come to you. Is it tempting, start your better not measure immediately after the delivery. Certainly not the first six weeks. That time you have to go to come again.

Even if you are witness, it is unwise to have a diet. At the lines poisonous waste materials end up in the mother's murders. Furthermore, breastfeeding demands a lot of energy and you should eat something more. Your body needs 600 to 1,000 more calories in this period than before. Also ensure that you get enough calcium, protein, iron and vitamin C. Also there are good food supplements for sale, especially for women who are breastfeeding.

If you do not breastfeed (more), you can start with lines after a few months. Healthy food and not too much snacking is the first step towards your 'old weight'. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and ensure the right balance in your diet.

Physical movement & sport
A good way to get your old weight and body back is to distinguish exercise. The belly dipping does not disappear from losing weight. In addition to training your abdominal muscles, exercises for your pelvic floor muscles are important. With these exercises you can prevent possible prolapse of the uterus and incontinence problems.

As far as your stomach is concerned, you take it easy. After all, your abdominal muscles have stretched considerably and even need time to shrink again. Heavy abdominal exercises should definitely be the first time, because your pelvic floor muscles are still too weak. The short-term tightening of the muscles in your stomach is enough for now.

For all the exercises you can do, children that you can quietly. Twice a day a few minutes lying on bed is more than enough. As you become stronger, you can increase the intensity and frequency of the exercises.

December 5, 2017

Detoxifying enzymes and factors

This article describes how all kinds of substances are actively broken down in the intestinal epithelium. In part, this is a protective mechanism against an external toxic load. In addition, many body's own substances and bacterial products that are broken down by the epithelial cells of the small and large intestine. These substances are the source of internal toxic load. Gut epithelial cells contain the same poison-degrading enzymes as the liver. If the intestine and liver enzymes do not function properly and the toxic load is too great, the body does not lose the degradation products sufficiently. Different tissues then become irritated, which can cause chronic diseases, fatigue and eventually cancer. Detoxification by means of food and dietary supplements ensures that the various enzymes in the intestine and liver can function well and matched.

How does the intestine deal with toxic substances?
Man has always had to deal with toxic substances: substances that have been formed by the breakdown of steroids and bacteria, poisonous food, such as berries, plants and mushrooms and poison from animals, such as snakes and insects. The body has an extensive detoxification system. It can be found in the liver, the intestine and the kidneys. The skin and lungs also contain detoxifying enzymes. Today, hundreds of thousands of toxic chemicals extyra are in circulation. We receive these substances through air, drinking water, food, cleaning products, cosmetics and medicines. It is interesting that the 'old' detoxification system can recognize these chemicals as poison and inactivate them.

The epithelium of the gut is one of the fastest growing tissues in the body. The epithelium contains undifferentiated cells, crypt cells, at the base of a protrusion or villus. These cells grow to the top of the villus in six days. They differentiate during this move. Each differentiated epithelial cell of the small intestine (enterocyte) contains 3,000 microvilli. Together, these microvilli form the so-called brush border in which thousands of receptors can bind food components, bacteria, hormones and many enzymes. The enterocyte has many different functions, including protecting the body against toxins. Intestinal epithelial cells contain enzymes that can degrade toxic substances (5). Toxic substances and their intermediates are absorbed into the blood and transported via the portal vein to the liver for further detoxification. They will eventually end up in the intestine via the bile or be excreted by the kidney.

The intestinal epithelium has a number of protective mechanisms:

1. The first protection is formed by a mucus layer consisting of a glycocalyx in which 'bound' water (2). Only water-soluble toxic substances can pass through this layer and the carbohydrates in the mucus bind bacteria. The mucus also contains a lot of sulfur, making it resistant to degradation by bacteria (28).

2. Prostaglandins stimulate the production and excretion of mucus and thus play a role in the repair of the mucous membrane (3). Analgesics, NSAIDs such as paracetamol and diclofenac, inhibit the production of these prostaglandins and thereby contribute to damage to the mucous membrane.

3. The peristalsis of the intestine keeps toxic substances moving and accelerates the intestine.

4. Enzymes in the brush border break down toxic substances before they can enter the cell. The hypothalamus, thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands play a role in regulating these enzymes. Stress reduces enzyme production.

5. The cell membrane of the intestinal cells has a fatty character, which prevents water-soluble substances from being stopped. This means that all substances that can pass through the cell membrane must in one way or another be both fat and water-soluble. Only weak bases and acids are capable of this.

6. An anti-porter system in brush-border cells - a membrane protein with a 'pump' function - can learn to recognize toxic substances and medicines and remove them from cells. This activity is programmed by a special gene (ref?) And it is the reason that medicines sometimes lose their efficacy after a certain period. Based on this principle, cancer cells can become resistant to chemotherapy (ref?).

7. "Good" gut bacteria can also break down medicines and toxic substances. They contain cytochrome P450 and conjugation enzymes. These are discussed in detail below.

8. IgA inhibits the growth of wrong bacteria.

9. Special receptors can bind pathogenic bacteria.

Substances that have been implanted in these barriers end up in the intestinal cells where they are partially broken down before they can enter the bloodstream. Also toxic substances are first processed by enzymes. As we know, the liver is the most important detoxification agent

Microsomes in the enterocyte contain, in addition to cytochrome P450, other enzymes that are essential in detoxification: cytochrome P450-dependent mono-oxygenase enzymes. They can break down many different toxic and carcinogenic substances (18).

If the detoxification activity is too low, eg due to too low CYP or P450 levels, too many toxic substances can pass through the intestine and circulate in the body. Substances formed by intestinal bacteria, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), inhibit CYP activity of the liver. Some drugs can also suppress CYP activity. For example, Prozac reduces the activity of CYP2D6 (ref?). Toxic reactions can occur if combined with other antidepressants that use the same CYP.

1. Iron and selenium deficiency affect cytochromes and thus detoxification. The core of the heamgroup of cytochromes contains iron. In the event of iron deficiency, the cytochrome P450 value decreases strongly. Selenium deficiency also reduces enzyme activity, but less than iron deficiency.

2. Lack of folic acid in the diet already shows a clear reduction of drug metabolism (decrease of 78%) and a reduction of 46% of the heam in intestinal cells after three weeks.

Through the food we get chemical substances inside, such as pesticides, dyes, fungal inhibitors, chemical waste products via drinking water etc. Also substances that we breathe come into circulation. In addition, food itself also contains products that need to be processed and many people use alcohol, cigarettes, medicines or smoked foods. As a result, the enzyme systems of phase I are interrogated, resulting in a chronic increase in cytochrome P450 activity. To give an example: people who smoke cigarettes have an increase in CYP activity. Nicotine is partly converted by CYP into the by-product cotinine. Together with the nicotine, this substance influences steroid metabolism. The DHEA and testosterone production is thereby inhibited. In women who smoke, the estrogen value in the serum is also lower than in non-smoking women. They therefore have a higher risk of osteoporosis. Although the enzymes of phase I are elevated, phase II remains normal or is delayed. The toxic intermediates can not then be caught away in time. The balance between phases I and II will be discussed.

The shortest path of detoxification is in many cases to separate the toxic substance into the lumen of the intestine. This is done by the aforementioned anti-porter pump. This pump is connected to CYP3A4. Many degradation products can therefore be found in the feces.

Phase II
Phase II consists of many enzymes. As in phase I, different enzymes belong to certain substances. There are many different enzymes, because every substance or drug has its own specific CYP and associated conjugation enzyme. Within the intestinal cell, substances that lend themselves to it and degradation products from phase I are bound to metabolites such as glycine, ornithine, acetic acid (acetyl-conjugate), glucose (glucoside conjugate), glucuronic acid, glutathione or sulphate. The enzymes needed for binding of the last three are: uridine diphosphate or UDP glucuronosyl transferase, sulfotransferase and glutathione S transferase. These will then be discussed.


UDP-glucuronosyltransferases or UGTs bind glucuronic acid to various substances. UGT has as a substrate: medicines, for example paracetamol, bile salts, andosterone and testosterone (7). Glucuronic acid conjugation not only has a function in the binding of toxic substances, but also plays a role in the absorption of desirable substances. Genistein, a tumor-inhibiting substance present in soy products, is bound to glucuronic acid and easily absorbed into the intestine (10). UDP-glucuronosyltransferases are possible in higher concentrations present in the intestine than in the liver. With temporary reduction of detoxification in the liver, these intestinal enzymes take over the function of the liver. After removal of part of the liver, an increase of 50% UGTs occurred in the small intestine (8). Vitamin C deficiency reduces the effect of UGTs by 68% (30). Binding to glucuronic acid often appears to be the first step in detoxification. Conjugated substances can be directly excreted by the kidney. When conjugated substances enter the bile via the liver, they reappear in the intestine (31). This may also have disadvantages, since intestinal bacteria produce enzymes (beta-glucuronidase) that can break down the glucuron compound, causing the toxic substances to be released in the intestine (32). This happens, for example, with the toxic substances that are created during roasting of meat. The dark crust of roasted meat contains a substance that is first activated by CYP and then bound to glucuronic acid and then returns to the intestine via the bile. When bacteria break down this substance, a strong cancer develops

In case of a (congenital) deficiency of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, an increased serum bilirubin level arises because it can not be converted into bile salt by conjugation. This leads to yellowing of skin or eye-white. This phenomenon is called Gilbert's syndrome and it occurs in 5 to 7% of the population. People with a moderate enzyme deficiency do not suffer much at first sight. However, medicines such as paracetamol are conjugated to a lesser extent, which means that they are more at risk of a burden with toxic substances from the environment and the use of medicines (40).

There are different types of enzymes that depend on glutathione. Glutathione is primarily the main defender against free radicals and is present in every cell of the body. The enzyme that is required for this is called peroxidase.

Glutathione is also involved in the elimination of toxic substances by the enzymes glutathione transferases. These enzymes are present as detoxification enzymes in the liver and intestine. The concentration in the intestine is 60% of that of the liver and these enzymes also increase strongly when a part of the liver is removed (22). Different factors from the diet influence their activity. For example, glutathione S-transferase was twice as high in a group of rats that received oats compared to the group on wheat bran (27). At the University of Nijmegen a lot of research has been done into the increasing effect of Brussels sprouts on glutathione-S-transferase (11). Broccoli also has this effect. The activity of these enzymes decreases as people age (13).

Glutathione is made up of cysteine, glycine and glutamine. Selenium is required during production. Lack of cysteine ​​or glutamine limits glutathione formation. Zinc stimulates the glutathione content, while lipopolysaccharides and heavy metals such as cadmium reduce the content. The use of glutathione supplements makes sense. It is absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and not broken down by enzymes in the intestine. However, the limitation is that it is not included in the mitochondria as it can not pass through their membrane. The glutathione binding to toxic substances, however, takes place outside the mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Glycine itself can also be bound to toxic substances. But when not enough glycine is present, not only the detoxifying capacity, but also the production of glutathione decreases. Glycine is necessary for coenzyme A production and is dependent on vitamin B5.

We can conclude from this that glutathione formation and the activity of the enzyme depends on many factors. Due to a lack of one or more factors, there is a shortage of glutathione, resulting in oxidative stress and a decrease in the detoxifying capacity of the intestine and liver. Glutathione plays an important role in the conjugation of steroids and thyroid hormone. Estrogen breakdown products are carcinogenic. We can get an impression of the glutathione content of the body by determining the reduced glutathione content and the enzyme content of blood.

Sulfonic acid conjugation (Ivonne, I still have to check this out, I do not think the right terms are used here) Sulfer is in any case wrong, is English?)

Certain substances are bound to sulfer under the influence of the enzyme sulphotransferase (SULT). Here too we do not have to deal with 1 enzyme, but countless enzymes that are linked to their specific cytochromes. For example, we find SULT1E2 in higher concentration in women and SULT1A1 in men.

Sulphate is supplied by food such as eggs and dairy products and by cysteine. People who are sensitive to sulphite in sulfurized fruit or wine may have a reduced ability for sulphate conjugation.

Sulfotransferase is necessary for the breakdown of steroid hormones and bacterial products. Neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, are made inactive by sulfur conjugation. DHEA and thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are also bound to sulfer. They can then no longer bind to a receptor. This process can be reversed if necessary. The contraceptive pill is 50% inactivated by sulfer binding in the intestine (29). In the liver, the sulfotransferase is the most important enzyme in the processing of estrogens. The rate of sulfer conjugation depends on the serum concentration of sulfer.

Sulphate-reducing bacteria are present in the intestine and form sulphide. Sulfide is not desirable because it breaks down the main food source, butyrates, of the lining of the large intestine. Methylation enzymes protect the epithelium by binding the sulfides. Butyrates play an important role in the gut, not only as a food source, but also as genetic information in a positive way to influence and thereby reduce inflammation phenomena.

PCP inhibits sulphate conjugation. Also a tevee

Braking phase I
In order to slow down a phase I that is too fast, we can use grapefruit. Researchers indicate that grapefruit juice contains flavonoids (such as naringenin) and coumarins (such as bergamottine) (17). Experimentally, they appear to inhibit P450 3A4 (15). Bailey claims that these substances are active in laboratory tests (16), but that neither of them is the active ingredient. Whatever the case, regular medicine uses grapefruit juice because it slows phase I. As a result, a (toxic) 'medicine' can pass through the intestine more easily, without being broken down by this specific enzyme (15). For example, 5 mg of diazepam produces blood levels that are 3 times higher when taken with a glass of grapefruit juice.

In natural medicine too grapefruit and the skin of red grapes are used. Not to work medication in, but to slow phase I and to bring phase I and II into balance with each other. Before using grapefruit juice, one has to ask yourself whether it is desirable to slow phase I. Phase I may have started to work too hard due to extra stress on harmful substances from food. These substances can then enter the body unhindered and make the patient even more ill. In other words, when eating breakfast bacon or eating a ready breakfast with dyes and coffee and drinking grapefruit juice, these harmful substances are not slowed down. Only if you eat very healthy can grapefruit juice be drunk. It is better to use food that contains no toxic substances and so to bring phase I to rest. Also in the Dutch Journal of Medicine is warned for grapefruit juice, because some medicines can cause symptoms when taken with grapefruit juice (26).

To stimulate the detoxification system, all irritants must be removed from the diet. We must therefore not only slow down phase I, but especially stimulate phase II. One can achieve this by using the right food. Garlic, soybeans and rosemary increase phase II. Cabbages promote the absorption and production of glutathione. The glutathione content of the small intestinal epithelium is 0.49 mg per gram of intestinal tissue. When the food contains 10% cabbage, this increases to 0.63mg / g. With a feed with 40% carbon, glutathione content (21) doubles. The glutathione content in the liver is therefore not increased. Brussels sprouts and broccoli increase the activity of glutathione S-transferase (11). Dietary supplements play an important role in the stimulation of phase II. N-acetyl-cysteine, NAC, supplements the glutathione supply of the cell (23). A deficiency of vitamin A stimulates phase I and lowers the UPD glucuronyl transferase. Vitamin A supplementation restores the balance (17). The use of red wine is doubtful, because chronic alcohol consumption is not recommended. However, red grapes do contain elagic acid, a substance that slows phase I and stimulates phase II (14) and flavonoids that inactivate CYP3A4.

Factors that play a role
The detoxifying capacity of the intestine depends on many factors:

1.Energy production

All cell processes cost energy. Energy (ATP) is produced within the mitochondria. The oxygen required for this is transferred by cytochromes. These are not the same as the P450 cytochromes and also contain iron. Iron deficiency influences energy transfer. Lack of antioxidants and oxidative stress causes damage to the cell and mitochondria and reduction of energy production. Phase I and II enzymes are connected to energy production. The detoxification capacity decreases during oxidative stress.

2. Blood flow

Oxygen deficiency due to reduced blood flow causes serious problems, such as oxidative stress and reduced ATP production and a reduced intestinal barrier. This causes bacteria and toxins a huge load in the body and damage to organs. Heart patients can become nauseous and become constipated due to inadequate blood flow. This was already noticed by Hippocrates. Heart medications also affect the intestine (20). When the oxygen supply in the intestine decreases, the glutathione-dependent enzymes also decrease. Malondialdehyde appears in the urine, which is a measure of oxidative stress (19).

The enterocyte absorbs nutrients and passes this on to the body. Some of the nutrients are used to build up the intestine itself. Nutritional deficiencies reduce the function of the enterocyte.

Proteins are broken down by pancreatic enzymes. This creates small peptides. These are hydrolyzed by peptidase in the brush border. The enterocyte can most easily include a pettidide of 2 or 3 amino acids. Because the epithelium of the gut grows rapidly, many amino acids are needed

Eating to lose weight

That not all food has the same effect on the body is known. Especially when you are trying to lose a few pounds, it is very important to choose the right products, because non-food is not an option at all. We put together a number for you, which ensure that you burn extra or you feel full longer.

A boner of course for meat lovers. Research shows that people who eat a lot of red meat lose weight more quickly than people who ate other products with the same nutritional value. This is mainly due to the protein, which causes you to lose fat, but keep muscle mass. Muscles burn four times as fast as fat.

Eating two eggs for breakfast instead of a plate of muesli, helps you lose weight and makes you have more energy. Eggs ensure that you have no hunger all morning. In addition, an egg contains a lot of protein.

Olive oil
The fatty acids in olive oil make you feel full faster. The unsaturated fats are also very healthy for you. In Italy, for example, 40% of their daily calories are consumed by these fats, but because they are good fats, they remain well on weight.

This product ensures that food is absorbed better and stays 'hanging' longer in your stomach. This makes you feel full longer. Lemon juice has the same effect.

Chili powder
Spice it up with chili powder. It prevents the growth of fat cells. Research shows that people who use chilli powder with their food burn 200kj more per day.

By eating cinnamon, chemicals rise in the blood level, so that the stomach is emptied less quickly. This makes you feel quicker and you do not eat something new so quickly.

Research shows that people who eat soup for their main course more weight loss. Because there are few calories in soup and it does fill up enormously because of the amount, during the main meal you are less hungry and you eat less.

A bean dish, such as chili con carne, has relatively few calories and fills very well. In addition, beans contain little fat.

A recent study found that women who ate a 48+ cheese daily lost more than ladies who took a cheese with less fat. Full fat products contain conjugated linoleic acid, which helps the body burn fat.

Apples contain a lot of fiber and this makes you feel full longer. So when you eat an apple for dinner, you will eat less.

This product also ensures that a signal is given to the brain that we are full and do not want to eat anymore.

Hell yes! The antioxidants in chocolate ensure that you produce less fat. Chocolate with more than 70% cocoa have the most antioxidants.

You can make pancakes every weekend, as long as you bake them from buckwheat. This product saturates your hunger and causes the glucose level in your blood to rise by 19%. Even when you're a gluten patient, you can eat buckwheat, so that's an added benefit.

Everywhere a cherry on top. The antioxidants in cherries ensure that muscle mass is maintained, so that metabolisms work better.

A cup of yoghurt is more than a snack. The calcium in yogurt binds to fat, making it less quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, it stimulates the metabolic system, which gives you more energy


Participants in a study received 38 products of 100kj and were then asked after which product they had the least appetite after two hours. Potato was by far the most frequently mentioned.

5 tricks to lose those last pounds

At the beginning, the kilos fly off, but there is a big chance that you will come to a point where, no matter what you do, you will lose no more grams. This usually happens in the phase that you want to lose those last two to five kilos.

At such an impasse in your diet there are two options, you can sit down and accept the extra weight. Or you can apply a few of the strategies below. With a few simple changes in your exercise and diet, you can lose about two to three kilos in a safe way within three weeks.

1. Start with "calorie cycling"
You may already follow a diet that alternates carbohydrate-rich days with days when you almost do not consume carbohydrates. But if you want to lose those last kilos, you can take this method to a more extreme level. Try to consume protein-rich food and vegetables on low-carbohydrate days. This causes fat loss. Then plan the carbohydrate-rich days on days that you train a lot. Use the carbohydrates mainly two hours before or shortly after your workout. You call this approach calorie bikes. The zigzag approach to your carbohydrate intake increases your metabolism while you lose fat at the same time.

2. Take a week of rest
Sometimes you do not fall off anymore because your body has not been given enough rest. When you become overtrained, your body will hold water.

Stay away from the gym for a week and eat normally, as if you want to keep your current weight. This will restore the water balance in your body and restart your metabolism. You will be surprised what a week of rest can bring about.

3. Increase the intensity of your exercises
It is normal to reach the ceiling of weight loss when you have been following the same training for some time. A simple way to lose those last pounds is to increase the intensity of your work-out. You normally do 4 series of 30 crunches, two minutes of rest and then continue with your leg raises. Then take a minute of rest before the change and perform the exercises faster. Because you push the boundaries of your body, you stimulate the building of muscles.

4. Eat more proteins
The fourth way to lose those last pounds is to consume more protein. It is important to know that the slimmer you get, the less your total calorie intake becomes, the more protein you need. Proteins prevent loss of muscle mass and promote the recovery of your body. Moreover, your body needs twice as much energy for digesting proteins than for digesting fats or carbohydrates. Proteins are in tofu, eggs, fish, chicken, lean pork or beef, nuts, beans and dairy products.

5. Combine sprints with cardio training
Do you only practice quiet cardio training? Consider adjusting your routine. For example, you can insert five to eight intervals with a 90-second rest period through your cardio training. Finish off with another 15 minutes of moderate cario training. This will kill two birds with one stone. You screw up your metabolism with the interval training, and for the cardio training your body uses fats as fuel.

What dyes and other additives do to the body

(Health Bytes) Alcohol and other drugs influence behavior, but there are other types of products that affect the mind. Products that are considered ordinary foods actually act as triggers for mood swings, nervousness or aggression.

"Nerve cells need a constant supply of glucose, the most important fuel," says Dr. Jorge Pamplona Roger from the University of Granada in Spain. "When the blood sugar level falls, it leads to a lack of mental concentration, apathy and a decline in intellectual performance."

When consuming many foods rich in refined sugars and low in vegetable fiber, the glucose content rises sharply. Thereby insulin is made to bring back the glucose level of the blood to the original level.

These fluctuations have a great influence on the functioning of nerve cells and can lead to mood swings, irritability, nervousness, apathy, hyperactivity, emotional imbalance and aggressive behavior. In addition, additives, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners and other additives approved by the European Union (E numbers) can lead to hyperactivity and nervousness.

A study in the UK recently concluded that certain additives used in soft drinks, sweets and other sweets stimulate behavioral changes, especially in children between 3 and 9 years old. These children were less able to carry out or play a task after exposure to the additives and exhibited impetuous behavior and a lack of concentration.

Additives that have the most influence on the behavior are artificial colors, preservatives, flavorings and various sweeteners. Although these substances are legal, just like alcohol and tobacco, it does not necessarily mean that they are safe.

Can You Tone Your Stomach in a Week?

You have a beach vacation coming up in just a week and want to sport toned, tight abs in your swimsuit. Unfortunately, sculpting rockstar abs in just seven days is nearly impossible, no matter how much exercise and dieting you do.

However, you can use the week to kickstart healthier habits and reduce bloating to look slimmer. Just keep in mind that creating a defined midsection takes several weeks — or months — depending on your starting point.

What You Can Do for Your Abs in a Week

While you won't drop notable amounts of fat or build substantial ab definition in a week, you can reduce bloating in your belly so you look thinner. It's unlikely to create dramatic tone, though, unless you've already built lean ab muscles.

Following specific eating strategies will help reduce gas and the subsequent bloat, which will help you look a bit slimmer and feel better and more confident overall. Eat smaller meals more frequently so food digests with greater efficiency. Avoid common gas-producing foods, including onions, broccoli, beans, lactose in dairy and, for some people, wheat.

Avoid drinking straws and carbonated beverages, which cause you to swallow air and further contributes to bloating. Drink plenty of water to ensure you're hydrated; being dehydrated interferes with digestion and can cause you to hold onto water weight.

You have to lose fat in order to reveal those six-pack abs underneath.
Focus on Fat Loss

Your first step to revealing toned abs is losing the fat covering the muscles. For abs to be visible, a man needs a body fat level of six to nine percent and a woman, 16 to 19 percent.

Since the average man has a body fat percentage of 28 and the average woman 40 percent, losing this much body fat in a week is simply not possible. Even if you're already relatively lean, you can't expect to lose more than about one percent body fat in a month — let alone a week — explains the American Council on Exercise.

To lose fat, you must eat fewer calories than you burn. Aim for a 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit weekly to lose one to two pounds per week. Avoid going on a starvation or crash diet over the week to try. You'll drop muscle along with the fat, which won't help you look toned in the tummy and compromises your metabolism.

Muscle Development Takes Time

It takes several weeks (or more) to develop ab muscle that looks defined when you're lean. If you're brand new to strength training, you may see rapid improvements in strength and muscle appearance in the first four to six weeks, but not one week.

Muscle growth and definition requires dedication to a comprehensive workout routine. Toned abs don't just result from multiple crunches performed over a week, but from a regular commitment to a strength-training plan that addresses every major muscle group at least three times per week for several weeks.

Include some cardio as well to help burn calories and lose excess fat. Incorporate high-intensity intervals, such as a 30-minute workout involving a warm-up, 10 one-minute sprints alternated with one-minute jogs and a cool down.

This form of cardio stimulates skeletal muscle adaptations that help expedite fat burning and improves aerobic fitness, explains a paper published in a 2011 issue of the Journal of Obesity.

November 30, 2017

Lose weight without exercising

Many girls like to lose one or two pounds for the summer, but not everyone has time to move. Now that we can say that a time can be taken to move half an hour a couple of times a week, but we also know that there are other reasons for not doing sports. We have tips for these girls in a healthy way to lose a few pounds.

Think consciously about what you eat

We often eat unconsciously more than we need. We sit in front of the TV with our hands in a bag of chips and unnoticed we eat the entire bag within half an hour. First, you did not really enjoy that bag of chips if you were watching TV. Secondly, you have eaten a lot more than your own plan. If you find it difficult to know what you eat, you have to deal with your life, but do it for a few days.

Spread your meals throughout the day
Make sure you eat well all day long and not bad three times a day. Do not skip any meals, this not only brings digestion into the war, later in the day you will snack. Eat small meals throughout the day and enjoy what you eat.

Eat as many natural products as possible
Try to eat about 80% healthy food, such as vegetables, fruit and nuts. Products that have not been processed at the factory. The other 20% you can choose for something more unhealthy, such as white bread with chocolate paste from which you also enjoy. Try to fry as little as possible.

Sleep wrong 8-10 hours a night
At the moment you do not go enough, your body will start burning more calories at first, but your body will compensate for this by going to sleep and saving fat reserves. It is great that you sleep 8 to 10 hours a night.

Do not drink too much alcohol
There is not only a lot of calories in alcohol, you are also inclined to eat more if you drink alcohol. You are no longer talking about a bitter ball more or less. Furthermore, alcohol ensures that more animals are stored. Even if you want to be a bit fitter. There are actually few things that alcohol is good for. Well, a nice evening ... But that is not always certain if you drink alcohol.

Move possible during the day
You do not necessarily have to exercise to move. If possible, take the stairs and go more with bicycles than you take the tram from bus. Also watching TV, learning to do, learning, doing everything.

Make sure you always have (healthy) food with you
Make sure you always have a bag of healthy nuts from a granola bar with you, when you are hungry and a McDonalds is running, you quickly have a tendency to buy a Big Mac, you can suppress the hunger with some healthy food.

Do not think too much about the things you do not like
Do not focus on what you are allowed to do, but focus on what you do. If you focus on what you do not like, you just want it more! And do you think about a chocolate cookie for three hours and you just do not get it out of your head? Just eat it and enjoy it. Do not feel guilty, you do not enjoy enough.

Regarding the lowcarb RCTs and what they prove:

What I mean to say is that those RCTs strictly speaking only prove that they have been designed, namely that a low carb diet is an effective method to lose weight. The LCHF method you refer to is more a diet than a diet. If it works to lose weight, it is expected that that pattern also works to prevent obesity.

Is that proof that highcarb, so to speak, is the cause of obesity? No. An example. Amphetamine has been in vogue as a slimming agent for a while, was very effective, and has some plausible mechanisms: it suppresses hunger and increases basal metabolic rate. Is that proof that overweight is caused by too low a basic metabolism or too much appetite? No of course not.

How you judge the value of my other arguments, you must know for yourself. For the sake of completeness, the logic behind it:

If too much consumption were the cause of obesity, I would expect a next route.

1. There is often a lot of KH eaten.
2. The body wants to keep the blood sugar level within narrow margins and reacts with insulin.
3. This results in an average higher insulin level.
4. The dynamics of fat storage in fat cells gets disturbed, because of the higher insulin level (higher peaks, longer duration of release) more fat is stored than released.
5. In response to that average higher insulin level, the number of receptors for insulin is regulated again, insulin resistance is created. This is a natural reaction that also exists for many other receptor modulated systems (think of habituation to opiates).

Once with this route?
What do the studies on insulin resistance mean? In my eyes, studies that show resistance and consequence of being overweight make the route too much plausible due to too much KH. Well it is possible that this high insulin level is there, but that this leads to obesity more quickly than it leads to resistance. I do not know if that is the case, but it seems less plausible to me. First, insulin resistance is also measured by measuring insulin secretion, so you would expect to find a higher level in that measurement. In the first instance, this is not the case with obese people. Secondly, the reduction of the number of receptors physiologically is much faster than the growth of fat cells. But it may work differently than I sketch here.

Why is this question relevant? Because I think that prevention is better than cure. Yes, it seems that LCHF is one way to prevent obesity. But other dietary patterns with many unprocessed, natural foods may also be. And perhaps it is fine if such a pattern contains KH-en, such as fruit and vegetables.

Why is that relevant? Because, if it is the case that KH are wrongly appointed as the major culprit and this philosophy becomes a widely public 'fact' (just like decades ago with fat happened), this will lead to all sorts of strange, highly processed products that are 'healthy'. because they do not contain KH. Whether that fruit or similar foods will be seen as less healthy due to too many KH-and. I know that this does not correspond with the idea behind LCHF, as if you interpret it, but it can indeed be a consequence of certainly suggesting that KH and the main cause of obesity. I am in favor of being nuanced about this.

Another hypothesis? An idea:
Too many processed foods lead to obesity due to dysregulation of the metabolism (among other things due to inadequate bioactive substances such as vitamins and minerals).

Substantiation? Well, for example, the LCHF interventions. Or interventions with fruit that I already mentioned. Again a plausible biochemical mechanism, to be found in the textbooks.

First order? This is possible, given that only 2% eat according to the recommendations (which must guarantee sufficient intake of various bioactive substances). And because these substances are essential in metabolism.

Reliability? If this hypothesis is correct, people can more easily compose their daily expenses (because there are just more options) than with LCHF alone.

Build muscle mass ...Do you want to build muscle mass?

 Do you want to arrive in weight? Read here in simple language how best to achieve this with lasting results. We show you what to eat, how to train and what supplements you need to achieve your goal.

Do you want to build more muscle? We advise you to use the 2 following products.

- Whey protein

This is a healthy protein rich shake that you need to nourish your muscles after training. You drink it twice on training days. 1 shake at breakfast and 1 shake immediately after your training. On rest days, 1 to 2 shakes per day is sufficient. Very suitable for muscle building and muscle recovery.

- Creatine monohydrate

Creatine you use for more strength, more repetitions and more endurance. You become stronger so you can train heavier and as a result you develop more muscle mass. By using Creatine your muscles will also look rounder and fuller. You take the creatine once a day. On rest days 1 dose for breakfast on an empty stomach. On training days 1 dose immediately after your training.

Do you want to build muscle mass, but do not you have a good plan yet? You are not the only one who has trouble with muscle building. People often do not know enough about muscle-building food and which supplements to take is not always easy. Bodystore has a good step-by-step plan with which you can build solid mass. Follow these steps and your muscle mass will grow! We explain which food is best and which supplements you can best take.

1- Increase your caloric intake

2- Eat enough protein to stimulate your muscle growth.

3- Eat regularly

The 3 traditional meals a day, that is for ordinary people. If you want to grow, you have to eat differently. Change your diet and eat 6 meals throughout the day. 3 main meals and 3 intermediate meals. Proteins are very important. You can train a lot, but if your body does not receive enough protein, your muscles will remain small. Eat protein with every meal. To make things easier for yourself, take for example a shake of protein powder and oatmeal with a tablespoon of olive oil. That is nice and quick and nutritious.

4- Eat enough healthy fats.
In the form of olive oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, nuts, avocado or coconut oil.

5- Do not forget your vitamins!
In addition to a good eating plan, it is important to take vitamins with it. Because you need more of your body than the average man. Use a good Multivitamin for athletes.


1- Do short explosive workouts.
Train for up to 1 hour and a quarter of an hour. Change your routine regularly. Every 6 to 8 weeks you have to follow a different training schedule. If you do the same exercises over and over, your muscles get used to it and then they grow less hard.

2- Cardio
During a mass building period, cardio is less important. It can slow down muscle growth. Maybe you want to do cardio because you easily turn on fat, limit it up to 3 times per week 30 minutes.

3- Rest
Your body needs rest. Your muscles need time to recover. Therefore sleep at least 7 hours a night. Avoid caffeine-containing beverages and alcohol so you sleep deeper. Restoration work will be carried out during your sleep.

1) Use loose weights if you want to arrive.
Your chest may feel heavily inflated if you train it with the machines, but if you really want to build mass, it is important to use dumbells. Training with loose dumbells activates more muscles than when you train on machines. The greater the freedom of movement during your exercise, the greater the impact on your muscles, so you can expect greater results.

2) Recognize your weak spots.
Take a close look at your physically. Which muscle groups are now lagging behind. Remember that when you go to the gym again. Everyone has muscle groups that naturally develop quickly. The trick is to develop the muscle groups that remain behind. There is a profit to be made.

3) Experiment with finding the best mass-enhancing exercises.
Practice makes perfect. Vary with practice and experiment. That is the only way you can discover which exercises your muscles respond to best.

4) How many sets should I do?
We suggest that you do 12 to 16 sets per muscle group. You do every set until you can no longer. Please note that the implementation is paramount, you can no longer clean it without smuggling then stop. The depletion of your muscles will bring about growth. Do not train more than 2 muscle groups at a time, if your body gets overworked then the growth can also not occur.

5) Do another one on top.
Make an extra repetition on a regular basis. It is the last repetition that your muscles grow from, provided it comes from your toes. Often we tend to stay in the comfort zone, but if you can imagine a repeat

10 golden rules for muscle mass
Bring your body quickly to a constructive state!

1. Many calories = Building condition

One of the most common mistakes in bodybuilding is eating enough protein but not eating enough calories a day. You've always heard that your body needs enough protein to grow and that's right. But sufficient protein does not always lead to growth. You also need to get enough calories.

If you do not get enough calories, you do not grow. A good rule of thumb is to multiply your body weight by 25. Then you count 1000-1500 calories a day. For example, imagine you weigh 80 kilos. You do 80 x 25 and add 1000-1500 calories. Then you come to 2000 + 1000-1500 = 3000-3500 calories per day.

Jay Cutler, for example, has grown up by eating a small meal every 90 minutes. Although he ate smaller meals, his total caloric intake was greater than his calorie burn, which put his body in a constructive state.

2. Eat a lot of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are needed for energy. Energy that you need to train. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen. The idea is to saturate the glycogen stores so that the body never has to call on proteins for energy production.

The more carbohydrates are present in the body, the greater the chance that your body will remain in a constructive state. Carbohydrates also play a role in the release of insulin. As you know, insulin is the most muscle building hormone in the body.

Insulin ensures the production of glucose, protein synthesis and the formation of fat cells. In short, the release of insulin is required to ensure a constructive state and carbohydrates help release insulin.

3. Eat a lot of protein

You can not build muscle without sufficient supply of proteins. Proteins consist of amino acids and amino acids are the building blocks of muscles.

You must eat between 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. So a bodybuilder who weighs 100 kilos must get between 200 and 300 grams of protein per day.

The best way to do this is to divide the supply of protein into smaller meals throughout the day to ensure better absorption and digestion. Briefly; eat enough protein and eat the good types such as steak, chicken, fish, and the egg white.

4. Eat multiple meals

Since you now eat 3000 calories a day, you can divide this into 6 meals a day. This seems like a lot, but it is not. Take care. If you divide 3,000 calories into 6 smaller meals per day, each meal will consist of approximately 500 calories.

500 calories is not much. Although it requires a lot of discipline, eating several smaller meals a day will pay off. Another reason to eat smaller meals is the release of insulin.

If you eat something, your blood sugar level will rise. In response, your body will release insulin to lower your blood sugar levels to keep your body in a homeostatic state. As you know by now, insulin is the most muscle building hormone in the body. The more, the better. So you want the pancreas to secrete as much insulin as possible. After all, you want to be big right?

5. Eat enough good fats

A common mistake is that beginners do not eat enough good fats. But fats are definitely important for growth. It is important to know that there is a direct link between fat and testosterone levels. A good source of fat is salmon which contains omega 3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids, linseed oil, and conjugated linoleic acid.

6. Eat a good meal before training

The best thing to eat for a workout is a meal with slowly burning carbohydrates such as pasta and rice. The reason is that it takes longer for slowly burning carbohydrates to be converted into glucose so that your blood sugar level remains relatively constant.

This prevents your energy from collapsing, allowing you to train longer and harder. Make sure that there is also a healthy dose of good protein in this meal.

7. Eat a high-quality meal after training

The meal immediately after your training should consist of rapidly burning carbohydrates and proteins. For example, you can take a mixture of dextrose and whey proteins.

When you train, your body enters a catabolic (muscle-depleting) state. You 'damage' the muscle tissue so that it can rebuild itself bigger and stronger. However, if you do not provide the body with the raw building blocks, how can it repair itself properly?

For the average person, a shake with 40 grams of protein and 75 grams of carbohydrates is sufficient. Make sure you do not waste time and drink the shake as soon as you are finished with the training.

8. Drink enough water

Drinking enough water is very important

Hard muscle mass in 10 steps

Are you a beginner or do you already have some training experience? Whatever the answer, in this article you will read tips for anyone who wants to build beautiful muscles. Building muscles in a healthy way, with minimal chance of overtraining and injuries.

Runners are dead-runners, so never try Jay Cutler to follow his training schedule, because then you come home from cold funfair. Professionals have also built it up slowly. Furthermore, they have an above-average talent for muscle building, and let us not forget that they use muscle enhancers.

Follow the next 10 steps and the growth can start .....

1. Build your strength: More strength is more muscle! So strength training with the emphasis on strength! Weight training with dumbells, rods or your own weight. Start with light weights and always go a little heavier.
· Weight training. Start with an empty rod. Make sure you have mastered the movement. A good execution is worth gold. If you can dream the movement, you go a little bit heavier every exercise, make sure your body has to work.
· Training with your body weight. Training with your own weight is an excellent way to supplement your schedule. These exercises can be a great advance for you. Pull up, dipping, pressing and hanging kneeraises.

2. Train without machines. Use rods and dumbells and switch them whenever possible. If you train biceps, triceps or chest, it is good to use dumbells. This way both sides of your body receive sufficient attention. If you train with a bar, you often push the hardest with your strongest side. You know about those guys who are very busy with bench presses with a slanting rod. Make sure you are not that guest! Symmetry is a beautiful goal.

Training with machines is unnatural. They force you into a standard attitude. Every body is different, with free weights your body keeps its natural position. This way you are free to make natural movements. So less chance of injuries. With loose weights you learn to keep balance and control your muscles. If you choose to train at home, a rod with some discs is ideal. You can do almost all exercises with one bar and a few challenging weights.

 3. Be inventive. If you really want to make progress, exchange exercises with less popular exercises. To breed muscles, you often do endless bicep curls. To build triceps you often do triceps kickbacks or the pushdowns. Leg training often consists of Legcurl, leg extensions and that eternal Legpress. Dare to choose a different exercise than the standard to raise your muscle building to a higher level.

· Chin-ups & Pull-ups for your Biceps
· Narrow bench press & Dipping for Triceps
· Squats and deadlifts for large leg muscles.

4. No muscle building without legs!
Squats the mother of all exercises. Unfortunately the most maligned, why? It hurts and when you do well the lead and lead is heavy. But if you accept that this is the best exercise that exists and will do it, then great things will happen to you physically.

The squat is the icing on the cake. He works throughout your body. You exert all your muscles in this exercise not only your legs, your entire body pushes that rod up. If your lower body is strong then you can perform all exercises better than before. Your upper body is supported by your lower body. So you can also tackle your bicep curls more heavily because you have started squatting.

Do this exercise with 1.5 x your body weight for 12 weeks and you will be amazed by your appearance and your progress with other muscle groups.

NB: Do not forget that we are talking about squats with a loose rod, forget the Smith machine.
Deadlifts is exercise number 2 for your body. Deadlift, like the squat, also taxes your entire body. But you have to do it correctly otherwise you will soon have an ugly injury. So ask someone who knows the Deadlift well to explain it well and see if you perform him well. The day after three good sets, you do not know what you are going through. Does not matter, pain is weakness what the body leaves.

5. Take your rest! Muscles do not grow at home at the gym. Start off nicely with 3 times a week training your whole body and in between you take the necessary rest. Provide adequate sleep 8 hours a night. During your sleep your body makes growth hormone with which to build your muscles, is not that great?

Drink enough water. If you train then you need more water and it also improves your muscle recovery. Drink 2 glasses of water after each meal. Drink something during training.

Eat as much as possible. But the right food. Proteins, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Training only makes sense when you provide your body with the right fuel. Try to throw petrol into your diesel car, you'll get a small piece of windshield

Arrive quickly without exercising
Many people with underweight wonder whether it is possible to arrive quickly without exercising. A second question that people are struggling with is whether a Weight gainer can also be used by non-athletes. The answer to both questions is yes. What you need to do is to get more calories than you consume. In this article we explain to you in clear language what you can do to gain weight quickly.

Many people with underweight wonder whether it is possible to arrive quickly without exercising. A second question that people are struggling with is whether a Weight gainer can also be used by non-athletes. The answer to both questions is yes. What you need to do is to get more calories than you consume. In this article we explain to you in clear language what you can do to gain weight quickly.
Before you read on, we would like to point out that we have drawn up a very good nutritional plan to make it easier to arrive. It is a 30-day plan in which you can achieve maximum results. Whether you are a man or a woman that does not matter, the plan is high in calories and easy to follow. Now you can eat every day without thinking about the composition of your meals, we have already done that for you. Request the free plan and start arriving!


free 30 day plan


A Weight gainer is ideal to ensure that you arrive more easily. An average Weight gainer shake delivers between 350 and 600 calories depending on the brand and dosage. 2 good Weight Gainers include the Colossus 2500 and the Weight Gainer from Both shakes are tasty and easily mixable. The difference between the two: In Colossus is 460 calories and in the Weight gainer there are 309 calories. The Weight gainer falls slightly lighter on the stomach than Colossus. The calories are exclusive of the milk, so if you make a shake with whole milk, about 300 calories will be added. Our customers report an average weight increase of 0.5 to 1.0 kilos per week.

The Weight gainer alone is not going to make sure you arrive quickly, you also have to put together your meals right next to it. Make sure you never miss a meal and eat at fixed times. The three main meals and then 2 or 3 in between meals / shakes.

It is well known that arriving has a lot to do with eating carbohydrates. In the absence of carbohydrates your body will consume proteins as fuels. Your muscles need those proteins when there is insufficient protein, then muscle breakdown occurs wherever you fall off. That is why it is good to know enough about nutrition when you go shopping. We will return to that later in this article.

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Fast arrival in weight

Eat more often per day.
Eating very large meals seems to be a good solution to arrive. However, the number of meals you consume on a day is also crucial. The breaks between meals should not last too long. If you continue for a long time without eating, you will fall away. Moreover, your body also has a memory. If you regularly eat good food every day, your body gets used to the constant supply of nutrition. What is good nutrition, what is the best choice? If you waste easily, then it is best to eat a lot of carbohydrates.

The first meal of the day is very important. After an eight-hour night's sleep, it is important to start your breakfast immediately. Research shows that if you always have early breakfast you will arrive easier than if you do not. Moreover, you can eat more often if you start eating right after you get up. But the content of breakfast is also very important. Many people are under the impression that they have breakfast well enough to arrive. If you want to arrive, make sure that you get all the important nutrients with every main meal.

Choose breakfast for oatmeal with fruit such as blueberries, oatmeal gives long-term energy and it also contains a lot of fiber which will benefit your health. What also works well is peanut butter. As an alternative to oatmeal, you can also eat sandwiches with peanut butter. Drink fruit juice for the vitamins and fruit sugars.

An easy breakfast for those who want to arrive soon is: 500 ml milk with 120 grams Instant Oats and 1 scoop Whey protein vanilla and 1 tbsp olive oil. The Instant Oats is oatmeal which is super finely ground especially in breakfast shakes, ordinary oatmeal sinks to the bottom. Then you have a top breakfast with protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Choose 4 multigrain sandwiches for lunch with an omelette of 4 eggs with cheese baked in olive oil. For the variety you choose, cheese, peanut butter, roast beef or chicken fillet. Drink a glass of whole milk or a large glass of fruit juice.